Weddings are such nice festivities: to meet up with family and friends to celebrate two persons decision to live their lives together. And although we all know that life will have it´s ups and downs, it´s good times and less jolly days, we for one day can dream that these two will live happily ever after.
Sunday, 29 August 2010
Wedding Day
Weddings are such nice festivities: to meet up with family and friends to celebrate two persons decision to live their lives together. And although we all know that life will have it´s ups and downs, it´s good times and less jolly days, we for one day can dream that these two will live happily ever after.
Friday, 27 August 2010
I´m The Mad Hatter
Tuesday, 24 August 2010
Hat-ting Along!
And it seems that "hat-season" isn´t far away. Meteorologically it´s still summer, but actually the autumn is here! The leafs has lost the greenest of their green, some has started to turn to more autumnly colours and the air has suddenly a different scent. The scent of autumn. Most of my freinds are desperately clinging to the remains of summer, but I´m an autumn- and winter person. Now I long for the cold and darkness! It´s wool-weather!
Sunday, 22 August 2010
Fast Food - No! Fast Hat - Yes!
I found some more "Spray" hidden in the dept of my yarn store, it´s half a ball of this pink and half a ball of blue. Neither of them is enough for a hat, but mabye a two-coloured hat could be something? I feel a deep urge to use up these last remains of this yarn. If someone complains about the colour-combination, I can always state that it´s supposed to be artistic!
They Have Decided...
Thursday, 19 August 2010
Blue and White
Since the two pairs of Snowflake´s I have knitted turned out rather small, I´m planning to make a bigger version. Yesterday evening I sat with pen and paper and played with different shapes.
And today at work, it wasn´t easy to keep my mind on the things on my desk. My thoughts turned quite "wooly" time after time.
Sunday, 15 August 2010
I´m thinking about a pair of cabled socks and wanted to start them with a k2 p2-tubular cast-on. So I turned to the wonderful reasource: The Net, and found a tutorial by Ysolda. The tutorial was very good and I had no problems to follow it. However, I was not very pleased with the result, I just couldn´t get the edge to look tidy enough. I tried in two different sorts of yarn, and here is one of the results:
Saturday, 14 August 2010
Slowly it has growed in my mind, that I´m actually a "vest-person". Often knitted cardigans and pullovers are to hot to wear in a modern central-heated world, both at home and at the office. But at the same time I need something to protect me from the evil draugths that suddenly sneek upon me and result in ace in shoulders and neck. So why not wear a west?
And when I found "Sissinghurst" (Ravelry link) in Rowan 46, I was "sold" and decided that this vest was going to be part of my autumn wardrobe. At this moment I have actually reached still a little further, I have now only the upper right front left. And circa 3 million ends to weave in... I spent two hours yesterday evening watching tv and dealing with loose ends. There are far to many left! My only solace is that had I not knitted in the round, there would have been even more ends to deal with.
I now could pretend once more that I´m a prefect knitter that never makes any mistakes. However, far to many vitnesses exists that can tell you otherwize, my husband is one of them. "Are you ripping AGAIN, whats wrong this time?" I have a secret fear that the things I knit will turn out to small, which often has resulted in thing being to big. While knitting on this vest, I heard a small voice in my head telling me: "It´s to big, it´s WAY to big!!". When I had knitted 30 cm AND dealt with the loose ends on that part, I tried the thing on, and it was waaay to big! I sulked over this for a few days. But a knitter´s got to do what a knitter´s got to do, so I ripped and reknit. Now the result looks good on Miss Lizzy, at least.
Now, where is that darning needle...
Friday, 13 August 2010
Knitterly Mail
And today there was another parcel in the mail, to me! It was new knitting-needles that I had ordered from Torgstenen. I´m really impressed by the fast delivery! I have been knitting for over thirty years, without think much about the needles I knitted with. A lot of my needles are inhereted from my mother and my grandmothers. But a few years ago my arms started to trouble me and I realized that some needles where better to knit with than others. And KnitPick´s Harmony Wood are a real treat for the hands!
I admit I tried KnitPick´s Harmony Wood just because they where beautiful. But the turned out to be my absolute favourites, and now I have decided to exchange all my needles to Harmony Wood. I started with the circular ones and now I have turned to the straights. It´s really wonderful to knit with really good needles, and after all those years with rather crappy needles I feel I deserve new ones.
Monday, 9 August 2010
Yarn and Tea - Swap
I´m going to spend the rest of the evening planning Christmas socks...
Sunday, 8 August 2010
Green Socks and Roses
Then I had three small balls of Eko Cotton left, 96 gram in three different colours. I felt a deep need to use up as much as possible of it, so I cast on for a pair of "left-over socks". A small lace cuff instead of a leg and then I just continued in a basic sock-foot. I´m very pleased with them, and they are also a personal record for me: they took only two days to knit.
Thursday, 5 August 2010
A Nice Payment
I looked after my neighbours tomatoes for a week, while the neighbours went to Gotland on holiday. When they returned, I was paid for my diligence in a lovely skein of grey wool from Gotlands Spinneri. The skein is now lying in my yarn-store, trying to find out what it wants to be knit into. I have more of this yarn, in i darker grey, and maybe they want to be stranded together in some interesting pattern.