I believe most internet-connected knitters are familiar with
The Yarn Harlot and her highly entertaining blogging about knitting - and other things that can occur in a knitters daily life. She is also a "real" author, and two of her book are among my favourite knitting books. The first:

... is a small book, full of short observations, tips and wise words, about knitting. I pick up this book every now and then, and read a few pages, and it really works as a sort of knitting-meditation without needles. It´s highly entertaining and it´s so comforting to know that I´m not the only one in the world who spends a lot of time (too much??) knitting or thinking about knitting.
The next one contains the basic guides to knit things like hats, socks, mittens and scarves. It could be regarded as a book for the beginner, but it´s really more than that; no matter how much you knit, you often have to return to the basic of the basics. This book reminds you of how simple it all is, but also that there are some knitting rules best kept in mind. The Harlot is an experienced knitter and an humorous writer that gives you good knitting knowledge in a very entertaining way.

I haven´t seen any of these book translaited into Swedish, but don´t let that stop you: they are a great way to build up an English knitting vocabulary!
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