Yesterday the ground was white with frost. I hurried to the bus very early in the morning, after having had a hard time deciding what sweater to wear. I decided not to take the one in black merino-wool - it´s VERY warm and would be to hot to wear in the underground. This morning Nature decided to show the cocky humans their place, and the cold morning was combined with a power-default in the underground-system. The journey that usually takes 50 minutes, now took 2½ hour! During this time I several times had longing thoughts about the black merino-sweater. I also seriosly considered turning home: the whole incident could be interpreted as a great sign that going to work was a bad idea! But on I went, somehow...
Well, I can live with stops in the underground-system, they don´t occur very often nowadays and usually one can find an alternative route to take. And it IS possible to walk a bit! What is irritating is the lousy information!! In this digitalized era it shold be possible to get the information out very fast, but no! One of the reasons that it took me such a long time to reach work was that I was told that one of the other underground-lines was running. A short bus-trip took me (and a lot of other hopeful passengers) to a station of the blue line - only to find that it was equally devoid of trains! And suddenly there wasn´t a bus in sight. Or taxi.
But the weather is nice! Cold, but nice!

During the morning adventure I had plenty of time to knit - always something! and the second sock for the christmas-calender took shape and was finished yesterday evening. Only 22 left to make! Sometimes I stop and wonder: is this crazy?

But when I look at the result I find it quite charming.
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