The world outside is incredible white! The snow lies thick and every branch and twig is covered with thick layers of frost. By the way: "rimfrost" is one of the most beautiful words in the Swedish language! At this moment its -22 outside.

In this white world one need contrasts and indoors I enjoy lit candels and flowers. Amaryllis kindly lets themselves be manipulatet to bloom in december and roses, of course, can be bought all year round. They are such a luxury.

My college at work wanted a pair of leg-warmers, a very much needed item this winter! She wanted them black and I used Rowan Pure Wool Dk in a a shade of black that I would describe as "off-black".

They are knitted in the round, started with a tubular cast on and a lacy sort of "cable" runs up the outside of each leg. The "cable is surrounded by reversed stockinette stitch and a single knit stich forms a "seam" at the back of the leg. I made increases and later decreased to make room for the calf and ended with k2 p2 rib and a sewn bind-off. And Alex was pleased with the result.

At the moment its hard to believe that roses will bloom in the garden in just seven months time (fn the rose-bushes survives the winter, that is!).
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