I spent some frustrating hours some days ago trying to wind some yarn I bough to comfort myself with. The yarn is eco-cotton from Regnbågen and as soon as I saw it I got a picture in my head of adorable little kids-sweaters with some sort of lacy edge. The first hank was wound in a jiffy, but the next two must have been sent to me as a punishment for some very horrible act of mine (I wonder what that could have been...), they took hours and hours!
Sunday, 30 January 2011
Untangle Me!
The winter is showing us its evil side: it´s plus-degrees outside, it´s raining, blowing hard and the world is gray, gray, gray. So it´s really excellent that my two big hobbys in life - knitting and litterature - are both best executed indoors, in a comfy sofa!
I spent some frustrating hours some days ago trying to wind some yarn I bough to comfort myself with. The yarn is eco-cotton from Regnbågen and as soon as I saw it I got a picture in my head of adorable little kids-sweaters with some sort of lacy edge. The first hank was wound in a jiffy, but the next two must have been sent to me as a punishment for some very horrible act of mine (I wonder what that could have been...), they took hours and hours!
They where totally tangled up...
and even had knots in them! Not knots as in two ends of yarn joined together, but totally unexplainable knots!
It´s the first time I buy this yarn and I must say, that I´m not in a hurry to buy it again! I have two more hanks to wind, but I`m not in a hurry to do that either. Hopefully these two monster-hanks where a yarnely example of måndagsexemplar (a bad specimin - possibly manifactured on a Monday, when the producer hasn´t quite recovered from the weekend yet- of a product that is usually quite well made).
One of my orchids is challenging the grayness of the season and has bursted out in a joyful explosion of colour. The orchids are utterly boring when they´re "in between", but they certainly make up for that when the buds open up.
I spent some frustrating hours some days ago trying to wind some yarn I bough to comfort myself with. The yarn is eco-cotton from Regnbågen and as soon as I saw it I got a picture in my head of adorable little kids-sweaters with some sort of lacy edge. The first hank was wound in a jiffy, but the next two must have been sent to me as a punishment for some very horrible act of mine (I wonder what that could have been...), they took hours and hours!
Monday, 10 January 2011
Starting New Project-Time!
Somehow the switching from one year to the next starts a lot of processes in my mind. No, I´m not going to start a completely new life, I´m perfectly happy with the life I have! No impossible New Year-promises are made and I have no grand plans for 2011. BUT I have quite a lot of small ones! And a lot of old ones still waiting to be worked out. Like the eleven or twelve balls of Rowan Cotton Glace that has been with me for a long time, originally bought for a project long abandoned. Suddenly I got the itch to make a cotton cardigan, mabye a bit along the lines of Jinny (Ravelry link) from Rowan 39.
Not actually Jinny, but a v-necked cardigan with someting interesting for the edges - and someting interesting happening inbetween...
I´m very fond of the Cotton Glace, although this colour isn´t really my colour. Since I was the one who bought this yarn in this colour, once it must have attracted me...
It has turned and every day the daylight gains a few minutes. Today the sun went up at 9:39 and went down at 15:13, tomorrow the day will be three minutes longer. So it´s still very dark... All this dark time is excellent to spend knitting and watching something interesting. At the moment I´m watching

"Colditz" - terribly exciting with very good actors, among them Jeremy Kemp!
I actually made one little New Year-promise: to knit more swatches. At least one a week, knitted without relation to any project, just to try new things. Mabye I will display them on the blog as "Swatch of the Week".
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