Somehow the switching from one year to the next starts a lot of processes in my mind. No, I´m not going to start a completely new life, I´m perfectly happy with the life I have! No impossible New Year-promises are made and I have no grand plans for 2011. BUT I have quite a lot of small ones! And a lot of old ones still waiting to be worked out. Like the eleven or twelve balls of Rowan Cotton Glace that has been with me for a long time, originally bought for a project long abandoned. Suddenly I got the itch to make a cotton cardigan, mabye a bit along the lines of
Jinny (Ravelry link) from Rowan 39.

Not actually Jinny, but a v-necked cardigan with someting interesting for the edges - and someting interesting happening inbetween...

I´m very fond of the Cotton Glace, although this colour isn´t really
my colour. Since I was the one who bought this yarn in this colour, once it must have attracted me...

It has turned and every day the daylight gains a few minutes. Today the sun went up at 9:39 and went down at 15:13, tomorrow the day will be three minutes longer. So it´s still very dark... All this dark time is excellent to spend knitting and watching something interesting. At the moment I´m watching
"Colditz" - terribly exciting with very good actors, among them Jeremy Kemp!
I actually made one little New Year-promise: to knit more swatches. At least one a week, knitted without relation to any project, just to try new things. Mabye I will display them on the blog as "Swatch of the Week".
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