Last year my mognolia didn´t bloom. It had buds, and the leaves came, but no flowers. I put this down to the very hard winter it had just lived through and was happy just that actually all of my plants in the garden hade survived. This winter was also very hard, and two of my roses definitely throwed in the towel. But the magnolia had big buds and some days ago they started to open. How can I spend so much time inside an office, when there are so much beauty to enjoy in my garden?

The shawl is growing. The pattern is actually quite boring, but the yarn is lovely. I´m still unsure wether there will be enough yarn, and have the stupid feeling that if I just knit fast enough the yarn will last. I´ll be starting the lace border tonight and I hope that will be more interesting than the long main part of stockinette (rätstickning).
Hej! vi har just planterat en magnolia och hoppas på blommor första året men det kanske är önsketänk? ser att du har fina projekt på gång. har lagt din blogg på tips på min :) om du känner för det får du gärna länka till min blogg också! igår skapade jag dessutom en facebooksida till smyckena så att man kan ha det vid sidan av det privata kontot. ha en fortsatt bra påsk!! maria