It´s probably a sign of mental instability to sit on the beach in +32 degrees Celsius and knit wollen mittens. Stranded woolen mittens. People were looking at me from the corner of their eyes, but politely they tried to pretend that wool on the sunniest day af the year is perfectly normal.
Blogging really gives one a great chans to show the world a perfect face: I could now pretend that when my mittens were finished, they were - well, mabye not perfect, but anyway a pair of perfectly good mittens. I looked at them and realized that something was very wrong. It took me several seconds to grasp what I saw: I had knit two left-hand mittens! How stupid can one get? It must be the heat!!
I absolutely didn´t want to rip one of the mittens and reknit it. The solution was to knit two right-hand mittens and so have two pairs. But I had no more yarn. So I ordered yarn - I´m crappy at all things with computers, but I´m very god at internet-shopping! The new yarn turned up in my postbox and the variation in colour was so big I had to abandon my idea.
Instead, I decided to just move the thumb! I snipped the approprate threds and set the thumb free. I made a new hole for the thumb and started to graft it back in, using one blue and one white thred of yarn, so as not to disturb the pattern. IF this had been a one-colour project everything would have turned out fine. BUT now I had to colours to deal with and I just couldn´t make it look good enough. It looked ok, but one could clearly see that something had happened with that mitten, somewhere around the thumb. So in the end I gave in, ripped and reknit, and ended up with a perfectly normal pair of mittens.
It was the first time I made this mistake, mistakes I have made and I guess I will go on making them, but as long as I make new ones, at least I won´t get bored.
This is the new Water Front Building in the middle of Stockholm, the City Hall is to the left. The picure was taken by my husband from my brother´s boat, the day before yesterday.
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