We have had a real thunderstorm the last two days: the rain has been bucketing down and thunder has been rolling across the sky. But no weather is bad knitting-weater and after all the sun and heat this summer has ooffered, it´s quite nice to snuggle up in the sofa with a cup of tea and the knitting. And a good book! At the moment I´m reading "The Little Stranger" (Adlibris-link) by Sarah Waters - it´s really good and I have difficulties putting it down.
The socks got finished pretty fast and I immediately cast on for a new par, now in green. I´m usually not very fond of knitting with cotton, but this yarn, Ateljé Huskrokens "Eko", is lovely to knit with. It has a nice shine and it`s a luxury to be able to just throw the socks in the washing-machine and wash them together with the rest of the laundry. Hand-washing is rather boring!
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