Sunday 12 September 2010

Autumn Sunday

A day has been spent thinking, drawing on checkered paper and knitting a swatch. But the process has been so much longer than that, the mental process has been going on for over a year. I once knitted a v-necked little something, with 3/4 length arms in Rowan Summer Tweed. I think the colour is called "Butterball". The result wasn´t a complete disaster, but it wasn´t a success either. I wore it a few times and then it went into hiding in the cupboard.

Last summer I finally decided that I was never going to wear that thing again and so I embarked on the project to dismantle it, rip it, soak the yarn, dry it and then rewind it. The yarn was far to good - and far to expensive!! - not to re-use! It´s during these recycling-projects that I gravely wonder if it´s so very wize to spend a lot of time to carefully sew knitted pieces together and then likevise carefully weave in all the ends. It´s really a boring and most trying work to perform, and then even more boring and trying to undo again! But done it was!

And an idea had formed in my head: I wanted to make a loose cardigan, knitted from the top, with quite a wide neck, a few buttons at the top and the whole thing knitted in a feather-and-fan-pattern. That was the theory! For a whole year I played with my idea and pondered about how to make it real. And suddenly I grabbed some paper, made my idea into a chart and knitted a swatch. It seemed like the idea was good even in reality and after some calculations I cast on.

I´m well aware that I don´t have enough yarn for the project: my cardigan-idea is bigger than the original sweater. But Summer Tweed exists in a lot of nice colours and I plan to end both arms and the body in another colur. Mabye pink.

Autumn regins and the apples are ripening all around. These are my neighbours apples, and they are so tempting! My own apple-tree is only three years old and gave a harvest this year enough for two apple-pies.

Röd rudbeckia - Echinacea Purpurea - is my new favourite in the garden. I have a white variation as well.

Syrénbuddleja (fjärilsbuske) - Buddleja Davidii - the sort is called "Nanho Purple". I thought it had died, the last winter was a tough one! But very late in the season it started to spring green shots from the root and finally the flowers came.

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